How high achieving working moms are mastering their work week, getting their to-do list done and loving the process of creating their own work-life balance!

If you’re ready to ditch the hot mess mom cliche & discover the competent, organized and put-together version of you, sign up below to get instant access to this free 5-day challenge to build your dream work week!

Master Your Work Week Challenge gives you:

  • A proven framework to get your to-do list done making you the Queen of your work week and beyond.
  • A daily training video walking you through each step so you have clarity on conquering your to-do list each week. 
  • A workbook that serves as your weekly guide during and long after the 5-day challenge.

Build your ideal work week that is enjoyable and productive.

Even if you...

  • Work 40 or 50 hours per week...sometimes more
  • Feel like you’re always behind and can’t seem to catch up
  • Don’t feel motivated when you think you “should” be


Your work week doesn't have to have you living for the weekend anymore!

Here's a sneak peek of the Challenge: 

  • Day 1: Learn about the framework and the #1 way guarantee success in the Challenge
  • Day 2: Discover which type of to-do list user you are
  • Day 3: Realistic time estimation to get things done
  • Day 4: Making your work week come to life
  • Day 5: Breaking the Procrastination Cycle

If you don't change your work week, life will continue with you as a spectator instead of a main character.

Let's create a simple and realistic way to make your work life balance dreams a reality!